with Coach John G
Kung Fu Kids Camp
8 weeks
8 youth per session - Ages 7 - 11
Cost: $130
Saturdays | February 3 - March 23
Session I from 1 - 2 pm (Drop offs 12:45 - 1 PM) - 1 spot left
Session II from 2:30 - 3:30 pm (Drop offs 2:15 - 2:30) - 3 spots left

Thank you for your interest in our youth martial arts camp!
In this weekly series, Coach John G will safely and playfully guide the children through the basics of Kung Fu. Every class will include stretching, warm ups and the practice of stances, footwork, kicks, strikes and blocks.
The theme of using martial arts as a way of self development will be weaved through training.
This includes practicing teamwork, compassion and kindness while also developing patience, persistence and focus.
We will play clips of kids martial arts movies for setting goals and demonstrating cool moves and as a way to inspire our kiddos with visuals of what they can dream to accomplish!
We will also explore ninja skills to enhance our balance, agility and basic acrobatics - but most of all - we will have A LOT of fun! There will be no direct sparring during our sessions.
Children should arrive digested, and having used the potty!
Click here to register your child:
Or scan below:

Payment can be made:
Via check to: Fly Creek Aerial Yoga
Cash - first day of camp

John G is a wonderful teacher. He is knowledgeable, highly skilled, kind, open hearted. and excellent at his craft.
- Beatrice

How is Kung Fu Similar to Yoga?
Both yoga and martial arts are modes of self-healing that aim to dissolve stress and increase awareness.
During the 6th century, an Indian monk named Bodhidharma walked from India to China and arrived at the Shaolin Temple. At that time, Buddhist monks who meditated for long hours were developing spiritually but weakening physically, due to lack of exercise.
Bodhidharma began the physical training of the monks of Shaolin Monastery that led to the creation of Shaolin kungfu.
Both yoga and kung fu strive to awaken energy, or chi in order to unite the body, heart and mind. This is a pathway to discovering our greatest potential.

Coach John G
Yoga, Body and Energy Work
John fell in love with yoga at an early age and completed his teacher training in the lineage of Paramahansa Yogananda in 2004. He dedicated nine seasons at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies exploring various yoga traditions and spiritual teachings while primarily studying under Glenn Black- a highly skilled bodyworker and long time yogi who spent many years practicing meditation and asana in solitude.
He is also a graduate of the Barbara Brennan School of Healing and the Finger Lakes School of Massage.
John passionately and playfully gears his classes toward self healing. He guides his students through modern and ancient yoga techniques to allow for the perception of the deeper core essence or Atman-that boundless and unique part of each person that is rooted in joy and connected to life within and all around.
Martial Arts
John fell in love with the martial arts when he was 6. He studied Karate for 2 years and then practiced Taekwondo for 2 years until he found his favorite style - kung fu- in high school. He has devoted 26 years to the practice of Wing Tsun Kung Fu.
It was in a martial arts book that he learned about meditation and how the deeper purpose of martial arts is to cultivate a healthy body and mind in order to find inner peace and wellbeing.
Miyamoto Musashi said “It is better to be a warrior in a garden rather than a gardener on a battlefield.”
As an uncle of 10 John has always had a passion for working with children. He loves sharing his knowledge of the martial arts and looks forward to bringing the values and the art of kung fu and the martial arts to the children of our community.
Please email veatriki@gmail.com if you would like to volunteer to stay onsite during sessions and assist with bringing kiddos into the main house to use the restroom!